The kid’s tricycle is suitable for 2-6 years old kids.
It has 4 different modes for kids to use: a 2-wheel balance bike tricycle bicycle and auxiliary balance bike. Kids can promote their physical fitness self-confidence balance ability and hand-eye coordination during riding. Besides the balance bike is also designed with a height-adjustable handlebar(21.5″ or 23″) and seat(14.5″-17.5″) which is ideal for kids of 2.8-3.6 ft. What’s more the handlebar has limited steering of 120 degrees to prevent rollover. To offer kids a smooth riding experience the kid’s balance bike is equipped with light and wear-resistant EVA wheels which can run on cement roads wood floors grassland and asphalt road. On the other hand we also design it with a soft PU seat cushioned handlebar and footrest design for more comfort. And the carbon steel frame also keeps it durable and sturdy.
If you are looking for a Kids Training Bike like this do not hesitate to place an order!
- 2-wheel balance bike/tricycle/bicycle/ auxiliary balance bike for Kids to use
- 2-height handlebar and 14.5-17.5 inches adjustable seat for riders of 2.8-3.6FT
- 120-degree limited steering to prevent tipping over during turning
- Carbon steel and EVA wheels for a long-lasting lifespan and smooth riding experience
- Ideal for cement roads wood floors grassland and asphalt road
- Detachable paddles and TPR training wheels for easy assembly
- Cushioned handlebar and soft PU seat add more comfort
- Able to promote kids’ hand-eye coordination build up their physical fitness boost self-confidence as well as exercise their balance ability
- Suitable for 2-6 years old kids for early bike riding
- Color: Blue
- Material: Carbon steel PU EVA TPR
- Product dimension: 33″ x 16″ x 21.5″/23″ (L x W x H)
- Seat height: 14.5″ -17.5″
- Handlebar height: 21.5″ or 23″
- Maximum capacity: 110 lbs
- Suitable age: 2-6 Years old
- Suitable height: 2.8-3.6 ft
- Net weight: 11 lbs
- Package includes:
- 1 x Kids balance bike
- 1 x Instruction
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